below is the quote from my earlier post in this tread - it should clear up the issue you're talking about
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Originally Posted by blues rocker |
i'm finally getting a feel for the controls, and i'm loving them. but there were some things i had to understand before it made sense.
this is what made it click for me - the right stick dribbling is really best when used only for "stand-still sizeups". the right stick should mostly be thought of as the "sizeup stick". once you are moving, it is best to stay away from the right stick, because the left stick dribble moves and right stick dribble moves will be fighting each other.
what i had to understand was that the player automatically does crossovers, stepbacks, spins with just the left stick...i was accustomed to using a modifier for those moves in previous 2k' seeing my player do them automatically without a modifier was really throwing me off. i was trying to do these moves with the right stick, but i really only needed the left stick to do them.
what was confusing me is that there is a bit of a redundancy going on - a lot of similar dribble moves can be performed with both the right stick or the left stick (spins, crossovers, stepbacks). what was messing me up is that i'd be driving and i'd want to do a crossover, so i'd use the right stick to do crossover, but my player would automatically do a crossover with the left stick, then he'd do another dribble move from my right stick my player would do two animations when i only wanted one - the left stick crossover and right stick move were fighting each other. once i stopped using the right stick while moving, it all started to work. the only move i use the right stick for while moving is the behind-the-back, because there is no way to pull that off with just the left stick.
basically, the gist is: when you are driving or moving, only use LS. the 2 exceptions i have are the behind-the-back and hesitation moves - these are the only moves I use RS for while driving or moving.