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Old 09-28-2012, 04:48 PM   #270
Gameplay Director, NBA2k
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Re: NBA 2K13 Advanced Controls

Originally Posted by blues rocker
that's exactly it. you've got it. once i understood that, the control started to feel amazing. i wish they would've been more clear about the left stick moves. they spent so much time talking about the right stick, they forgot to mention the left stick functionality and how it might conflict with the right stick.

i'm actually loving the automatic left stick crossovers, spins, and hesitations. it's nice to be able to do them without using a modifier button. they work so well that i find i don't even need the right stick a lot of the time.
Yeah, you can be pretty effective with just LS on the move. You can even sizeup somewhat effectively with LS by tapping left and right. For me, I use Right Stick for ALL moves. The key is to let off LS as you input the RS move, allow the cross (or whatever move) to initiate, then immediately move the LS in the direction you want to move AFTER the ISO move is done. I don't even think about it anymore, it's just second nature. But whatever's working for you, by all means, stick with it. Like I've mentioned before, there are a lot of different ways to play 2K -- and no ONE right way. Once you have all the options exposed to you in the retail version, I'm convinced that everyone will find something that's comfortable for them.
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