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Old 10-05-2012, 05:17 PM   #385
Rysumm's Arena
OVR: 1
Join Date: Sep 2010
Re: Madden Roster Editor V1

Originally Posted by Rayduh562
Rod Woodson, Gale sayers, Barry sanders and i think walter payton's faces can be found on the Nfl Greats Roster. i did a cap for rod and then just added his face. Also u can add any of the NFL greats to there respective team, weird how they had that hidden roster on the game..... can anyone post Deion Sanders, Jerry Rice and Tim Brown's face ID. deion and jerry are for sure on the game bcuz the portraits shows up on their MUT legend cards and Tim im assuming would have to be found off Madden 03 or something but im pretty sure its possible, just like the other two.
Okay that's it I've got to go get an XBOX I've been begging EA to allow the greats to be played with on their respective teams and they have done nothing about it. If this thing allows me to added these players to other teams I've got to go get an XBOX and start modding.
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