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Old 10-05-2012, 09:33 PM   #5
OVR: 3
Join Date: Aug 2011
Re: Could this be the last NBA 2K with Legends?

I hope we hear some good news next year, but, on the other side, I think the tendency if for 2k to maintain the all decades teams at most.
Seriously, keeping all these legendary players around must be a headache for 2K. I don`t think they are intending to keep the old school players around for some time anymore. They have already focused on today`s stars.
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I haven`t bought the game yet and I`m confused: I only play 2K games because of the legendary players. Since in this year`s version there are huge losses like Webber, Jabbah, Dr. J, no exporting teams etc, is it still worth to get it?
A second and last question: is the create a player deeper this year? Last year I couldn`t create a white player like Tom Chambers because no matter what I tried he didn`t look like the real one.
If you can answer these questions, I`ll appreciatte it.
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