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Old 10-09-2012, 11:47 PM   #45
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Sundown2600's Arena
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Re: NCAA Football 13 October Title Update Arrives Later This Month, Details Included

Originally Posted by mrlux
Why is no one concerned about the run block awareness of your lineman and fullback. They completely let defenders run past them to make the tackle, especially blitzing defenders. Guards who pull always overrun their assignment and miss the block, that is my main gripe with this game.
This can be fixed. Raise the awareness of the lineman and FBs. Heck I raise the awareness of all of my players. If you don't wanna do that try maxing out all of the sliders, as it is clear they not only unlock animations and player abilities, they also increase player awareness. Max out all sliders except: Tackling (leave it at 50) HUM Pass Cov (100) CPU Pass Cov (0 because it seems to be reversed) INT (70) WR Catch (70). If the catches are too high reduce the WR Catch slider.

You will notice all of the players playing better and also more animations. You will see pulling guards cut blocking LBs on counter plays. You will see WRs holding blocks downfield. You will notice a big difference.

Try this on AA and Heisman.
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