Thread: Celebrations
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Old 10-11-2012, 07:10 PM   #6
d11king's Arena
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Re: Celebrations

Originally Posted by kehlis
Not at all.

It's a long season. Anytime you can move onto another round, this one being to the round of four I have no problem with teams celebrating.

They all know the end goal but to advance to the Championship Series is something to celebrate.

When debating with myself the pros and cons about this subject, this is the argument I used for why teams celebrate. I feel as though, I'm from the old school lol, I hate when people celebrate when they've done something outside of winning a championship, like how football players celebrate first downs but 3 plays later drop a TD.

I think last night that also came up about Valverde and his post-save celebration antics, and I think there was a tweet floating around speaking about he just blew the save why doesn't he celebrate now.

To keep it on topic, after the game I was watching Buster Posey and how humble he was acting on the field, it gave me the impression he knew although they won the series, there's still a long road. Maybe it's jealousy, or my being arrogant, but if the Giants lose next round, although not the case, to me it seems this celebration was all-for-nothing.

I agree with NYJets though, no right or wrong lol. Guess its personal preference lol.
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