When debating with myself the pros and cons about this subject, this is the argument I used for why teams celebrate. I feel as though, I'm from the old school lol, I hate when people celebrate when they've done something outside of winning a championship, like how football players celebrate first downs but 3 plays later drop a TD.
I think last night that also came up about Valverde and his post-save celebration antics, and I think there was a tweet floating around speaking about he just blew the save why doesn't he celebrate now.
To keep it on topic, after the game I was watching Buster Posey and how humble he was acting on the field, it gave me the impression he knew although they won the series, there's still a long road. Maybe it's jealousy, or my being arrogant, but if the Giants lose next round, although not the case, to me it seems this celebration was all-for-nothing.
I agree with NYJets though, no right or wrong lol. Guess its personal preference lol.