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Old 10-26-2012, 03:25 AM   #69
Taku's Arena
OVR: 10
Join Date: Sep 2007
Re: NHL 13 Title Update and Tuner 1.06 Available Now, Post Your Impressions (PS3, 360

Depending on the age as determined above, a player is waiver eligible for a certain number of years from the year in which he signed his first contract, as shown below.

Goalies Skaters

Age Years Age Years

18 6* 18 5*

19 5* 19 4*

20 4 20 3

21 4 21 3

22 4 22 3

23 3 23 3

24 2 24 2

25+ 1 25+ 1

For anyone 20 or older, the year in which they play their first professional game is considered the first year counting towards the number of years they are exempt from waivers.

*If an 18 or 19 year old plays in 11 or more NHL games in a season, then the eligible period drops to 4 years for a goalie and 3 years for a skater, with the first year of that period being the year in which the player played 11 or more games.

(Example: Nazem Kadri & John Tavares both signed their first NHL contract as 18 year olds. However, Tavares has played more than 11 games as an 18 year-old. Therefore, Tavares is now waiver-exempt for 4 years (this year, and the 3 ensuing years), while Kadri is waiver-exempt for 6 (this year and the 5 ensuing, although this could change if he plays next season).

The other factor is games played. Once a player reaches the threshold (again based on the age at which they signed their first professional contract), they are eligible for waivers. The language of the CBA is very clear that while there are two distinct thresholds, this is an "earliest of" scenario. If a player reaches their games played mark before the reach the years mark (or vice versa), they become eligible for waivers.

Goalies Skaters

Age Games Age Games

18 80 18 160

19 80 19 160

20 80 20 160

21 60 21 80

22 60 22 70

23 60 23 60

24 60 24 60

25+ 25+
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