The Bobcats. I know that they were historically bad last year, but they were competitive. I cannot win a game with them. If I push out to a lead, my team either starts turning the ball over or refuses to hit an open jumper (even with Ben Gordon). C'mon 2K, you guys are killin' me. If I play an intelligent game I should be rewarded with a win, not punished for merely choosing to play with the 'Cats. I challenge anybody out there especially the true, so-called ballers, to play against your friends (wouldn't expect you to jeopardize online records) with Charlotte. I bet you won't win. 2K is forcing me to select another team and that is sad. But hey, I know, based on their 2011-2012 record some would say "that's realistic man." Oh, yeah? Well guess what? They did win 7 games last year, and if I play a smart game, I should have a chance of recreating one of those 7 wins.