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Old 10-29-2012, 03:45 PM   #36
Rysumm's Arena
OVR: 1
Join Date: Sep 2010
Re: Cursive's Classic Madden Rosters and Draft Classes (360)

Hey Cursive,

I thought you might know the answer to this. I created Marcus Allen for my 1993 Chiefs team and I was trying to figure out a way for the announcers to call his name when he rushes the football.

My thought was to take another RB with the name Allen and change my Marcus Allen's Player ID to that of the other player. I was not sure what triggered the announcers to identify the player by name I assumed it was the POID and PGID so I changed it to Armando Allens POID/PGID. I then deleted Armando Allen from the roster so there are not two of the same player id's.

Anyway, it's not working, the roster shows no data in the XBOX. Do you have any idea's?
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