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Old 11-01-2012, 02:30 AM   #1
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NBA 2K13 in coach mode (don't control any players)

Just wondering if there is a segment of the OS community that plays NBA 2K13 in coach mode only? I know there are those that play football (Madden, NCAA, Head Coach) in coach mode but I've never tried it with an NBA game.

The elements I would be looking for are realistic plays, the ability to call plays and make adjustments, and the ability to adjust the number of touches I'd like to see from certain players. For example, say I use the Lakers and decide that I want Howard to get more touches and become the 1st option of offense, with Kobe becoming the 2nd option, would that lead to potentially 20 shots per game for Howard and 15ish shots for Kobe?

Essentially, I'm wondering if playing NBA 2K13 in both in-game and with the Association features would be strategic enough to enjoy if I never want to control the players at all.

Previously I've played normally but I've since moved on the trying to only play coach mode in sports games because I'm getting older and frankly can keep up with the stick skills required to be proficient in these games anymore.

Thanks for any forthcoming inputs.
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