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Old 11-05-2012, 07:08 PM   #18
bp4baseball's Arena
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Re: New Houston Astros Uniforms Shown in MLB 13 The Show

Originally Posted by seanjeezy
OK there's definitely two new cleat designs in the video, the pair Altuve's wearing look reebok-ish and the pair Wallace is wearing look adidas-ish... The undershirts also have nike logos on them, don't know if that means anything though.
Good eye... that has never been there before, and either means there will be some form of Nike sponsoring in MLB 13 the show, or as Knight said, this was made specifically for the Astro's event and doesn't necessarily mean we will get that Nike logo in the game.

Even if this is "MLB 13 the show", it would of had to been made early enough that we probably won't notice much difference between it and MLB 12 the show.
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