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Old 11-20-2012, 04:42 PM   #2
OVR: 0
Join Date: Oct 2012
Re: Development Trait worth it for Rookies???!!!

IMO it's not worth it for a CB. Primarily because you have little direct control over getting XP for defensive backs. It's not like a QB, running back or receiver who you can force plays to them or even a front-seven guy on defense who you can put in a position to make plays. Therefore the risk is very high that you spend that 50k for the development trait only to have it wasted because the player just doesn't get that many chances to make plays and thus earn XP.

Also, CB xp gain is heavily weighted towards INTs. Even older, normal development guys get a lot of XP for INTs and there's not a big difference as development trait is increased. Hitting INT milestones will gain you a lot of XP and milestone XP is not affected by development trait.

A better idea, once again just my opinion, is to buy the Coach CB XP trait. Not that you have to buy one or the other but the Coach XP trait for CBs is much more cost effective because it will boost the XP for all of your CBs. If you play a lot of nickle and dime packages you'll get a lot out of it. Also from what I can tell Coach XP packages and individual player development traits only stack so far making it not very economical to buy both.
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