12-18-2012, 03:50 PM
Hall Of Fame
Re: Shot Button vs. Shot Stick
I believe I've always been a button pressing spot-up shooter. However, through 2K11 and 2K12, I began using the shot stick more and more to initiate drifters, spin jumpers, and dream shakes. In 2K13, I've gone back toward button reliance. I've had a tougher time pulling off drifters on command via shot stick this year, for whatever reason.
I believe I've also gone more toward button reliance on drives than I have in years past. I think my larger use of the button is due to my initial discomfort with having to hold L1 in order to shoot with the shot stick. Now I've just grown used to often tapping a face button to initiate a result. That said, I still use the right stick at times for those moves too (Ex: Euro-step). I'm pretty much all over the place.