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Old 12-20-2012, 01:44 AM   #12
OVR: 3
Join Date: Jun 2009
Re: Whats wrong with shooting in MYTEAM?

Originally Posted by Tr98185
I thought I was tripping all day. I run with the blazers and I couldn't hit anything that I'm usually money on.I'm talking wide open shots.

Glad i came in this thread bc i was wondering if something was wrong with my controller.

Gotta get used to playing like this now
Same here man, I also play with the Blazers and suddenly I'm missing wide open shots with Batum and Matthews from the corners, perfect release, settings are terrible, and its not like they tone down the famous lebron, iggy, drive and dunk strategy, you can still do it but yet they keep taking down the 3pt shot success, makes no sense.

Earlier I was shooting with signatures skill equipped to Stephen Curry, my favorite player and I couldn't hit anything. The thing is I'm always cash with his release which is what made me think 2k did something to 3pt shooting. No point in shooting anymore, going to grab lebrons and start dunking.

Going to start sagging off all shooters now and camp everyone in the post.

Last edited by demfl; 12-20-2012 at 01:54 AM.
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