Thread: Off Topic 2013
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Old 01-03-2013, 10:53 AM   #292
slickdtc's Arena
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Originally Posted by SidVish
We just got our end of year 401K statements from our employer today and I was surprised at how many of my co-workers don't even participate in it. I've got about $75K saved up in about 5 years at this job because my employer matches dollar for dollar up to a certain percentage. I'm 34 so I think this is a decent start.

I'm not sure what these people plan on doing for their future so if your employer has a matching 401K program take advantage. Even if they don't match put money aside.
My dad took advantage of his company matching his savings, and he was rewarded by retiring at 55 with a comfortable chunk of money to last the rest of his life. Basically, he can live off the interest. 30 years at one place was lucky and fortunate, he admits, and he actually liked what he did too.

I can only hope to be so wise and fortunate.
NHL - Philadelphia Flyers
NFL - Buffalo Bills
MLB - Cincinnati Reds

Originally Posted by Money99
And how does one levy a check that will result in only a slight concussion? Do they set their shoulder-pads to 'stun'?
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