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Old 01-06-2013, 12:41 PM   #7
*ll St*r
Knight165's Arena
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Re: RTTS: Contractual Options

Originally Posted by Perfect Zero
I do have a "real" argument against the OP's suggestion, and that is in the current setup of Major League Baseball, players that first move up to the major leagues start their clock of six years of pre-free agency. Now if he wants to play the Michael Young Trade-Me game that's fine, but there's a reason why this is in the game to begin with.

I'm not trying to argue about flawed mechanics in the game, I'm making a case that the rules of Baseball and its agreement with the Player's Union make this game "So real that it's unreal." Unless you just want to throw a wrench into the whole contract mechanism, I don't see why this is even an issue.
He is only asking for it as an option.....and if they implement it where they simply ask the USER....."How many years of service time would you like to start with?"....that's all the game would look for as far as the mechanics.

While I think it's called RTTS for a reason(the devs wanted you to fight your way through the ranks)....I don't think implementing a choice of how long until your minor league FA is that bad.

I know what you're saying PZ...and technically you're right, but options are never bad!

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