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Old 01-07-2013, 10:09 PM   #5
thoro_headz's Arena
OVR: 1
Join Date: Oct 2011
Team-Building Philosophy

I don't know how many of you had the opportunity to read ShakaFlocka's "We Are Texans: Building a Program and Sustaining Success" thread but he touched on some really good ideas in terms of building a team. If you haven't read that thread, you should. Many of them resonated with me and I will borrow heavily in the rebuilding of the Baltimore Ravens.

The 9 Personalities That Make Up "The "53%"
1. Commander
2. Captain
3. Guru
4. Anchor
5. Ally
6. Loyalist
7. Analyst
8. Traditionalist
9. Titan

Learning means everything. If a player can't learn the system, he won't ever become the player we projected him to be. If a player is considerably more Athletic we can afford to give up some Learning. If the player possesses massive size(think 90+) we can afford to give up some learning also. If the player had both elite size and athletic ability but learning ability isn't quite up to par, he will be considered as a developmental prospect.

Generally, though, I feel that every player has to have at least a 75 in Learning and an 80 in Durability. I can't afford to have players incapable of learning our schemes or incapable of staying healthy. In order to see significant playing time, a player has to have at least 60 in awareness.

Free agent acquisitions will be kept to a minimum. This is a team that will win with homegrown talent.

Last edited by thoro_headz; 01-26-2013 at 01:40 AM.
thoro_headz is offline  
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