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Old 01-15-2013, 02:20 PM   #263
ShowTyme15's Arena
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Re: MLB 13 The Show Fact Sheet

Originally Posted by Eman5805
Interesting. One of the presentation upgrades for RTTS is to have LESS commentary? Seems bassackwards, but watch it all work out.

Not going through all 27 pages to see if anyone mentioned confirmation, but is it the same crew as last year? If so or not, were any lines recorded together? Or done in such a way to better simulate 2 or 3 human beings actually interacting with one another?
TruBroadcast Presentations 2.0 (PS3) – True Broadcast Presentations 2.0 continues to blur the line between reality and The Show. This year focuses on further refinement of game continuity through the restructuring of thousands of presentations but also a heavy emphasis on taking stadium ambiance and big game atmosphere to a new level. The addition of new scenes, new cameras, new OSDs, new music and new audio allows MLB 13 The Show to take a huge step forward in the twofold approach of truly immersing the user in the moment during the pre-game while satisfyingly rewarding the user once the final pitch is thrown. Now more than ever the user will feel the difference between Opening Day, the Regular Season, the All-Star Game and the Postseason, and increasingly strive for a taste of the new Postseason celebrations.

They took out Dave Campbell and added Steve Lyons to the booth this year. This is really the only description we have right now no one is going to know much about the commentary until Community and even then it's limited so until someone gets their hands on the game or when media outlets start releasing videos within the next month there really is no definitive answer.

Last edited by ShowTyme15; 01-15-2013 at 02:25 PM.
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