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Old 01-19-2013, 04:03 PM   #5
Denny 3K
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Re: Lakers ideas for Assosiation mode.

Originally Posted by Romano338
From what I've read, Howard never re-signs with the Lakers. SO be careful with that.
And apparently, quite often Nash retires at the end of the first season.

If one day I play association, I'll go with the Lakers too. But I think I'll trade Howard and Nash.
This is pretty much true IF your using another team. He usually opts to come back if your playing with the Lakers.

However your quote about Nash is pretty much dead on either way. I just started another Laker Association after my last one became corrupted. I decided this time to start on today's date(which was Jan,17), Howard has decided to come back already and the only move I'll probably make is if we are out of it at the deadline will be to trade Gasol and his rediculous contract if I can.

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