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Old 01-20-2013, 07:15 AM   #4
ajk49er's Arena
OVR: 2
Join Date: Sep 2011
Re: Do you guys ever completely change the dynamic of your team during CCM?

wow ive never seen that opinion on safeties in madden before. I find mine to make or break my defense. sure, I run more nickel and 3 S sets than you probably do, but still, I just lost a super bowl because eric berry got hurt late in a game, and my third round rookie had to fill in on the final drive, and he got torched once to send the game to OT, then again in OT for the loss.

sure, my lb's and corners probably hold some sort of priority. but safety is what I user, and when I don't I still need top notch play from both the SS and the FS or the QB will eat you alive.

my issues with changing things completely has been with the sim eingine, its incredibly inconsistent, so the only time I am comfortable doing this is when I play it, and really when you play it, its incredibly easy to just switch to a multiple D playbook and have the players to run both.
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