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Old 01-23-2013, 03:55 PM   #8
OVR: 0
Join Date: Jan 2013
Re: A star player requested to leave. Do I have to do it?

Originally Posted by thbends
That sounds good. I do have money to spend. I'll see if I can convince him to stay.

Seems so random though. He was Very Happy with the team. We came off a win and he even scored in it.
They often throw random storyline events in to mix things up. When going through and offering a large amount of players new contracts it isn't uncommon for one of my more active players to refuse. The fix for that is to offer them more money than recommended.

Another time I started seeing headlines about how my midfield was in terrible condition. Shortly after that, I got a message from the board saying I need a new midfield and they'd help me pay for it if I needed the help. Of course, my power went out, sending me back a week or so before that, and the board never made any contact to me about my midfield, nor did I see any headlines about it.
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