02-03-2013, 04:48 PM
Re: Josh Looman CCM progression talk on Twitter
What I personally believe that CCM needs the most is a mix between the XP/Performance based progression system and the Potential based progression system. Personally, I don't want to have to play through EVERY practice just to get the XP benefits from it for my players, but if I don't play the practices, the young players on my bench don't get any better. I don't feel like I am developing anyone when I draft, I feel like it's hit or miss if the players are good enough to play or not. I have ALWAYS been for performance based progression, but the place where players get better is OUTSIDE OF GAMEDAY AND IN PRACTICE. Yes, we have a practice feature in M13 but it is too time consuming for a lot of people like myself to even bother with. So, what you can do is have a flat-potential based progression like the old game that isn't too dramatic like it used to be (instead of young players who didn't see the field getting a plus 6, maybe a +2, +3, or +4, that runs of an algorithm based on scheme fit and their developmental trait or something like that. Do this while also having the XP based progression. I have had HUGE years with players (ex 4500 yds 30TDs with a QB) and, even with a Normal or Quick development trait, it hardly felt as if they got any better despite them having a great year on the field. So it hardly feels like there was any performance based progression. Also, ratings just don't feel that they fluctuate as well as they should. No huge progressions or regressions or anything, it feels very bland and alike every year. So, even though it would be complicated, you could make X portion of the progression XP based, Y portion of progression similar to the "Potential" based system, and Z portion of the progression directly proportionate to their stats on the year. As some guy said earlier, if a guy has 10 drops but catches a few TDs, would it make sense if we were to use the XP to make his hands better even though they proved to be so bad? Quite simply, I want there to be a good amount of players that fall off the face, drastically improve, regress substantially to a point where it resembles the constantly changing faces of the NFL. I hate seeing the RBs look basically the same as they did before 3 years into my CCM, while almost all of them are close to or past 30 years old. The current system simply does not accurately reflect the NFL, and we need some sort of drastic change.