MLB 13 The Show features seven more minor league ballparks. In the latest
Developer blog, The Show Nation details three of them. Environment Artists Kevin Weinstein, Franz Borowitz and Sito Francisco each talk about what inspired their creations.
Bayfront Park -
Field Dimensions: Right & Left Field Lines 330ft, Right & Left Center Field 390ft, Center Field 403ft
The background idea for Bayfront Park comes from viewing the Santa Monica Pier, which features a Ferris Wheel displaying a fantastic light show as it rotates around. Kevin decided to incorporate the west coast look of the Santa Monica Pier, blended with a Coney Island style for the unique background you see beyond the right field wall.
Crystal Falls Stadium -
Field Dimensions: Left Field 345ft, Center Field 420ft, Right Center Field 365ft, Right Field 330ft
Franz initially got the inspiration to create Crystal Falls from an Art Deco stadium in Florida. The arches in the stadium reminded him of the old Spanish style Missions in California where he grew up. Franz thought the surrounding landscape of the stadium should represent the spirit of baseball when it first began, taking place in a small town setting out in the country for people to enjoy the game in a simpler time of life. You can see a train in the background that brings in people from all over the county to enjoy a day out in the sun watching their favorite hometown team.
Stateman Park -
Field Dimensions: Right & Left Field Lines 336ft, Center Field 390ft
Sito initially got his idea watching a late night Home buying show. In one particular episode was a story of a couple and their search for a place to live in the city. The one thing that stuck out about this couple was their love of baseball and living close to a ballpark. While thinking about creating his minor league ballpark, Sito thought about this couple living in a downtown area of a city, featuring a stadium where they could go see a ballgame close to home.
Source -
Dev Journal: 7 New Minor League Stadiums (The Show Nation)