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Old 02-12-2013, 12:38 PM   #8
All Star
azdawgpound's Arena
OVR: 21
Join Date: Nov 2009
Re: 2013 NFL Draft Roster

Originally Posted by mar4380
So where did you run into issues? I know that the free agent pool is severely limited so once you start a franchise you would be loosing some of those players... unless this is strictly for play now.. Still a nice project to hold over till new madden,,

Are you using editor at all?

Are you able to change coaches info to update new coaches?

Are you able to change player years so that Luck, RG3 will not be in the same rookie class with the actual 2014 rookies??

just curious about these things.. I have started projects like this in the past then ran into similar issues.

Seems really cool. let me know if you want a little help.. look forward to seeing how the project turns out.. I used to do this but I would import the draft class through NCAA and make the madden franchise file similar to the actual season (ex:make sure ravens win SB).. but this year no draft class.. .

So I guess this is a good alternative!!
no not using editor and far as coaches and changing players yrs u cant do that with newer maddens unless u can with editor.

the only problem i ran into with last yr was since the CAP limit was maxed out u couldnt do a fantasy draft but with this yrs madden not having fantasy draft offline i dont think there would be a problem except rookies from this yr and last yr would all be rookies.

wish ea would of left all this stuff in with the editing and changing coaches.
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