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Old 02-13-2013, 02:31 PM   #146
OVR: 13
Join Date: Oct 2003
Originally Posted by Knight165
You're just proving why there should be no overall #'s though.

So you give Willie,Babe and the Splinter their 99's in history....and nobody now deserves one.

Then in 2016 a kid comes along and breaks every record in baseball after 15 years. EVERY one. Shatters Ruth's SLG/OPS and OPS+ records. Has a higher lifetime OBP than Williams and makes Willie Mays look like Adam Dunn in the OF.

What OVR # are those players then?

IMO...this is why you shouldn't be judging players with an OVR #....especially in a definitive nature.

Valid point, but doesn't that argue just as much against having a maximum rating as having an overall rating? In OOTP, a rating can exceed a 100 point scale. Wouldn't that counter your issue? I understand some folks would prefer no overall rating (like in the Front Page Sports series) and that's cool - make it optional to have it hidden. I like the shorthand of it.
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