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Old 02-17-2013, 08:45 PM   #1
OVR: 2
Join Date: Mar 2009
Got to Love the Business

First off I would like to thank 2k for proving that Pimpin' is easy. They've been doing it for a couple years now. Releasing awesome demos, just to change the game around with patches and gamers left hanging. How soon we forget 2k12 removal of double teams or what seemed to be a somewhat animated triggered physics engine 2k13 demo. People are already talking about purchasing 2k14 and what dunks gamers want in 2k14. SMH, are you serious? 2k13 is barely a complete game, credit to 2k that's pimpin'. Playing a game where it doesn't matter if Dalembert or D. Howard is my center and people defending the game or calling it the best in the series; credit 2k that's pimpin'. 2k's even throwing in glitches in the system to block roster makers who obviously make better rosters then their group that is definite pimpin', credit 2k.

I'm a Jay-Z fan and I can even say enough is enough. Waste of time and resources, I can get a couple of dudes working out of their garage to blow these tracks out in less than 2hours.

As you can see 2k is on their hustle and I'm on mine. I'm just mad I didn't buy stocks earlier during the dreamcast days with NFL/NBA 2k1. Present stock price $15.08, I'm going to go jump on that quick. By the way NBA 2k14 will be the best ever, until 15, then 16, after that 17, and etc. will be off the hook. Couldn't beat them, so I joined them. Not hating the player, joining the game. Thanks 2k and everyone else for your participation and investment, credit me.

P.S. Games should be named All-Star Weekend 14,15,16,17, etc. or maybe And1 since theirs hardly any D. Release it and they will buy, love it; credit 2k.
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