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Old 02-22-2013, 03:29 PM   #6
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Re: Interaction With GC Gamers

Honestly you really don't have to DIRECTLY interact with them. They read everything anyway, they just don't post a lot because they are nothing but a lightening rod when they do post. But if you feel the need to directly post with them, Twitter would be the best bet, since most of them are on Twitter. Not saying all of them will reply to you on Twitter either, really just depends on who you talking to.

Some are way more friendlier then others and reply to pretty much any and all questions. Then you have those who only respond to those people they are more familiar with because they play in the same online leagues. But from my understanding, this is how the communication process works:

1. The Game Changers collect data of the wants, needs and desires of the community from various websites and sometimes direct line of communication via Twitter or simply chatting with guys during game play in their Online Leagues.

2. They then give that message to the developers. I know a few of the Game Changers have direct email access to key members of the development team, but I believe most of them don't and simply hand in their notes when they go down there to Community Day.

That is about it. Clearly EA already have certain features of what they want to do for the year already set in stone and that can't be altered. But anything else that isn't major they will look at it and try to address it as along as it doesn't cause other areas of the game to mess up.

Another Possible Way

I know back in December I believe Deweil tweeted EA was looking for big name Youtubers who play Madden and they were going to get invited down to Orlando to give their input. Keyword being, follower base of thousands of subscribers. Pretty much the same set up NBA 2K did, invited big name Youtubers to give input.
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