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Old 02-27-2013, 07:49 PM   #34
metsfan4life1's Arena
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Re: MLB 13 The Show gameplay video

Originally Posted by slickkill77
Lots of improvements overall but nothing too game changing. I kind of wish we could, at the very least, hear the end of the National Anthem.

I'll echo what everyone else has said, the commentary is a snooze fest. If you really think non boring commentary isn't possible then go watch youtube vids of the other game. We all love The Show, but everyone that's defending the commentary like we're insulting their mothers needs to stop. The "White Knighting" (no pun intended Knight) for The Show on these forums gets really old. Just because people point out a flaw with the game, that doesn't mean that we don't like the game or its developer. We all appreciate the work they put in year in and year out. We also appreciate how active they are responding to us and our concerns. As well as how they work with us to stamp out any flaws the game may have.

With that being said the lack of updates to the commentary year in and year out is a concern. If there is one thing SCEA still struggles with it is the commentary. 2K sports (all their games), Fifa, NHL, and I'm sure there are others have commentary that is very good. All commentary is going to get repetitive regardless of what game it is. The problem with The Show is that it is already boring enough as it is, but then it also gets repetitive very quickly. Its an unfortunate issue that we have to deal with for now along with the NCAA and Madden people

Yea but they added another guy to the booth a few years back (I don't remember which one) and he added virtually nothing to the table. Seems like Lyon is the same way. There needs to be some kind of back and forth especially if you are going to have 3 guys in the booth. Instead one guy says 90% of the stuff and the other 2 add maybe 10%
THIS IS by far one of the most on point posts I've EVER read on here.. And I'm on here in threads EVERYDAY. This is exactly how I feel. Too many people get burned for being honest.. There's the ones that seem like they are secret workers for SECA.. And ones who make ridiculous points. But the commentary is not something anyone pays any attention to any ore because, well... There's nothing else to be found really:/ I love the show Though and it's the only game I get EVERY year.
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