I never checked. Maybe if I go back tomorrow or something I'll let you know.
Oh, and funny story before I started recording. So I picked up the controller and went straight into the settings, and then this kid (no older than ten years old) runs up and says, "I'm Player 2. Let's play some baseballll!" I said okay, and backed out, but autosave was on so it was saving. He got really impatient, but didn't really understand what was going on. I think there was something wrong with him, but it didn't excuse his character.
Anyway, so he starts pounding on the other controller a little bit and it goes through the Play Ball screen and fires up a game. He says, "What the hell? I didn't choose Player 2. You bastard!" I forgave that because he could've been talking to the game and not me, but he was yelling at me to "make him Player 2" while it was loading up the game. I was just standing there wondering where his negligent parents were, because he needed to be with them and not disturb me when I'm trying to record videos for OS.
I finally get him to be the Giants as I was the Tigers and we start up, and I was up maybe 8-0 before he finally said, "No more baseball. I'm not Player 2 anymore" and left. I immediately quit the game, changed the rest of the settings, and we were good to go!