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Old 03-03-2013, 11:36 PM   #131
OVR: 13
Join Date: Nov 2010
Re: Some MLB 2K13 Ratings Revealed, Along with a Few Shaky-Cam Videos and Impressions

Originally Posted by Blzer
However it is we're defining/interchanging these terms (for all I know, a hitter's eye could mean a hitter's backdrop and a batter's eye could mean a batter's retina), from my end of things, neither feature is worth enabling unless it's done in a more authentic manner, and if actually done right they would be merged into the same game tool/feature.

I'm not saying it's "better" turned off or anything like that, but this kind of began with Mt Oread telling me that I'm not using 2K's game system to the best of its ability. It's not so much that I was disagreeing with what he said, but it was the way he said it like I've never given hitter's eye a chance or truly knew what it was accounting for with the hitters or anything, or like I kept the screen pure for purity's sake.
Hitter's eye (the text thing) I feel is implemented very well. Players have an "eye vs left" and "eye vs right" attribute that results in how often a hitter is able to read the pitch and get that text message.

Batter's eye i'll agree is a terrible thing to have in a game much like guess pitch in the show.

Player's on a whole though I feel need something to tip a pitch in these games as trying to read a pitch with human eye's in basically impossible.
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