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Old 03-05-2013, 08:44 PM   #70
OVR: 1
Join Date: May 2011
Re: Operation Sports MLB 13 The Show Impressions Thread

So recently I have been trying the Beginner Mode to try to see the progression of the settings. With Beginner Mode I started a Angels franchise and right now I am 4 and 0. With it stated earlier it is pretty difficult not to win as hitting is ridiculously in your favor. With my 4 games my scores are 13-0, 9-6,10-0 and 13-0. With the 9-6 game for some reason the CPU was just able to hit off CJ Wilson and was a little bit competitive.

Also I noticed that if you play under the Beginner settings the game turns off the variable calls from the umpire so every call is a precise call of balls and strikes. It also turns off injuries and fielding is Auto Fielding yet they give you a tutorial on how to throw to each base.
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