03-08-2013, 02:38 PM
I'm looking for some feedback here on this issue I've been experiencing for the first time in a long time.
ERRORS, mostly from throwing. For a couple years now I have selected analog fielding. This year I've noticed an insane amount of errors each game. Even more so than the first year analog throwing was released. It's gone so far out of control that I tend to get anywhere from 4 to 7 errors per game.
Here are some things that I've noticed as I have played the first 2 rounds of a Postseason.
Using the Mets:
Every 9th inning David Wright has made a throwing error. FYI 10 games have gone by at this point and I am NOT exagerating.
Every outfielder makes throwing errors even when throwing to the cutoff man as a runner is just safely standing on any base on a stand up play. (I realize the Mets outfield is bad but c'mon you wouldn't even be in triple A if your that bad) This happens approximately 3 out of every 9 times.
I have canceled the throw when seeing the red ring several times and yet when I attempt to throw again even with plenty of time to catch the runner each fielder (mostly Ruben Tejada) throws the ball away anyhow even on the 2nd attempt.
Note: One time I canceled a red ring throw and took a couple steps further towards first on a routine grounder, my 2nd attempt was completed successfully and a green ring was shown.
In a futile attempt to cut down on all these errors I tried editing all of my players fielding, accuracy, arm, and reaction ratings. With all players having ratings of a minimum of 70 or higher in these categories I am still finding throwing errors to be quite common.
I am assuming that this isn't happening to many others and that this is a byproduct to using a team that is so poorly rated on defense. (Way too poorly rated in my humble opinion, but that is again just my opinion)
I was thinking about adjusting the fielding slider, but I really don't feel that the CPU needs any less errors as they barley seem to make them compared to my user controlled team.
To put it simply... Can anyone take the time to help me out?
I posted this over at the show nations as well, thanks for reading this.