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Old 03-16-2013, 08:56 PM   #3
NFLfan80's Arena
OVR: 2
Join Date: Jul 2003
Re: I need help using the Spurs

Originally Posted by Driving Dunk Shot
The spurs have a lot of different and difficult shot releases on the team. It's not like the Knicks, heat,lakers where everyone has easy quick releases.

Danny Green has to have one of the hardest shots in the game, feels like u have to hold the release for an eternity, try and only shoot from his hot zones. I used to struggle a lot with green, but once I got his shot down I find him one of the most rewarding players to stroke 3's with.

As for Splitter you really shouldn't be shooting jump shots with him, just take it to the hole or post up.

The spurs player I struggle with the most is S. Jackson,can never hit shots with him.
See Jackson I feel ok with. But with Splitter I post and he's 2 feet away and misses almost everything. Hooks, layups. Any tips for Leonard? He's one of my favorite players in real life and I'm streaky with him in this game.
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