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Old 03-21-2013, 02:10 AM   #4
skow05's Arena
OVR: 9
Join Date: Aug 2008
Re: Whats the second best set of rosters?

Originally Posted by JokerWins
Oh I always wait for the OS ones. Just that being the number 1 rosters for everyone was just curious who was second

What kinks does franchise mode have?
For sure, check out that existing thread I linked above to see which rosters those guys are talking about. I didn't see any that would have been near a high enough quality to entice me to start a serious franchise.

Right now the sim engine seems to be a bit out of whack. End of season results have a lack of K's for pitchers and inflated offensive statistics. This can be addressed with ratings adjustments but without a fix from SCEA it will be a continuous issue with the incorporation of new players in the draft with similar stock ratings.

There's also the issue of progression/regression counting double if you play/sim any of Spring Training rather than hitting the "End Spring Training" option. Easily avoidable if you just "End Spring Training", but some like to play Spring Training for position battles etc.


PSN - Skow
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