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Old 03-26-2013, 02:23 AM   #703
OVR: 0
Join Date: Mar 2012
This game is a blast to play. I've stuck to Postseason Mode mostly as I wait for Knight's OSFM rosters to come out. I've also played a small amount of RTTS as a position player.
Overall Impressions:
This is a well-polished, fun game to play. It "feels" more like it's real-life counterpart more than any other sports game I've played.
The biggest flaw I've seen in the game without playing Franchise Mode is the stutter, which seems to be either rampant or non-existent in my games. Enough has been said about this, and everyone knows that it needs badly to be fixed, it's just a matter of finding the culprit and fixing it.
I'd love to have a better way of picking up the pitch out of the pitcher's hand visually, without Guess Pitch involved. Maybe with PS4, the graphics will be good enough to be able to pick up the true spin. In lieu of next-gen graphics, I liked MVP Baseball's color system.
Pitching with Analog is fun and challenging, but I still rarely walk guys. I can increase the difficulty, but then I'll have more walks AND give up hits and homers left and right. Then it's off to Slider-Land.
A dev-tuned, out-of-the-box Sim Mode for all difficulty levels could fix Walk and Strike Frequency without forcing the user to run 75-game tests and devote so much time to Sliders. I've posted a suggestion in the Bug Report section at the Show's website under my username, lvann4x, if anyone cares to see this idea in more detail and vote on it. This would give the idea some support for the dev's to see.
Errors, Homeruns, and mid-game Starting Pitcher injuries have all been way too frequent through 12 games in postseason mode.
Picking off runners is still too frequent, and throwing errors on a pickoff are still way too frequent.
However, this game is still very fun to play. It brings the best of baseball to life with great visuals.

Postseason Mode:
Great mode for those of us who wait for OSFM. Plenty of drama. The crowd seems to be at full noise-level a bit too often, i.e. when the Home team's batting with an 0-2 count in the bottom of the 4th. The crowd typically doesn't get in a full frenzy when their own hitter is in an 0-2 hole.
I like the fact that the crowd is amped up, it just needs to be tuned a bit.
I'd like to see the ability to switch my Pitching Rotation to a 4-man or 3-man rotation if I see fit. A small thing since you can always pick your starter before each game.
I'd like to see some team celebrations after winning the LCS. I play on Fast Play Mode, but that shouldn't affect any postgame presentations after winning a league pennant.

I LOVE the fact that I can see what happens leading up to a play involving my player! This is something I asked for a year or two ago (maybe on here, maybe on The Show's forum), and the dev's found a great way to execute it!
This gives much more context and meaning to my player's actions. Great job on this one!
RTTS is already a great mode, and it's gotten better this year.

What I'd like to see next year:
A Fielding Mini-Mode. Not just from RTTS first person view, but a Franchise Mode view as well. I always have auto fielding on in Franchise and Postseason Mode because I don't want to learn fielding on the fly. I manually throw to bases, but manually controlling my fielder just results in too many cartoonish Little League plays.
I'd love to have a Fielding Practice Mode from the Camera View of MY choice so I could get a bunch of reps without having to go through 20-30 important Franchise games handicapped by my fielding inadequacy. I don't use Analog Throwing for the same reason.
I used to love controlling my fielders in past-gen games, but the learning curve is too steep now that I don't have hours of time to play anymore.

On that note, I've gotta run. I'll finish my impressions later.

Don't forget to vote on lvann4x Bug Reports if you agree!
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