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Old 03-26-2013, 06:30 PM   #14
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roadman's Arena
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Re: Madden NFL 25 Developers Are Working On Implementing New NFL Rules

Originally Posted by Big FN Deal
I can't believe some of the stuff I am seeing posted ITT, I am critical of what Tiburon does when I feel it's appropriate but at this point, this is good news. I can't understand why it's a bad thing that Tiburon is trying to emulate the new NFL penalties in a NFL sim video game, that's supposed to be the point of this type of game. People posting about "it's a video game", no it's not just a video game, it's a NFL simulation video game and there is a difference. I am glad to see Tiburon seeming to take a focus to just try to copy what applicable things, like penalties, the NFL does into Madden and hopefully for the arcade crowd that wants to have their own XFL style fantasy experience, they include working sliders, settings and options.

To those stating "why focus on this and not something else" penalties have been flawed in Madden this entire gen and focusing on finally fixing them is not a waste or misappropriation of resources IF they can be fixed. This is NFL rules and penalties we are talking about, not Twitter additions or some other "icing" on the cake. The fundamental rules and penalties are essential for any sim sports video game to emulate their respective sport as well as possible and they have been lacking in next gen Madden far too long. Maybe some people just don't realize how crucial applicable NFL penalties and rule enforcement are to making it possible to have realistic game play parameters in a NFL sim video game but I hope this a sign that Tiburon finally does. Also take note that I stated "making it possible" because I don't want anyone forced to only play Madden with realistic parameters, I just want that option.

I've been harping on Def PI for years.

Maybe, just maybe, they might have tweaked the current penalty system so you don't have to be touchy feely with holding, facemask and clipping and crank up the PI sliders.

Options is a beautiful thing.
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