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Old 03-27-2013, 07:46 PM   #40
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Re: NHL 14: Keys to Best Last Year's Effort

Originally Posted by savoie2006
I can guarantee you it wasn't NHL 2K pushing this series to the next level, not since the push into the 360/PS3 era. The closest 2K came was 2K7, which was only because NHL 07 was bare bones. 2K8, which couldn't compete due to lackluster graphics and complex controls. Competition only equals a choice for consumers, not better development. That comes down to money folks. When one company makes the better game and gets the lions share of the money, the other suffers which is what has happened. Games like NBA 2K, The Show, and NHL have seriously outclassed the competition, which in turn has basically eliminated them because those developers aren't bringing in enough for serious upgrades and such.
NHL 2K7 and NBA 2K7 were the reasons I bought my 360. I wasn't a fan of 2K8's controls so I switched to EA's game and never went back.

I can still enjoy the NHL series but there needs to be serious improvements made to CPU AI, HUM teammate AI and presentation as we head into the PS4/720 era.
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