04-04-2013, 01:58 PM
OVR: 14
Join Date: Feb 2010
Location: I live on the road - ghosting servers of family members...haha.
Re: First Madden NFL 25 Screenshot, First Details on Run Free Ball Carrier Feature
As previously stated in the NCAA forums, my give-a-crap-meter is going back up...but they don't have me locked just yet.
I will say this, though, as it's something we all should be joyous for: The fact that they are talking about OL/DL interactions this early on let's us know what specific area of focus any tweaks and patches released for the game will be coming all Fall. Every year, you can bank on whatever major overhaul they tout as being what gets "fix it" attention mostly.
I'm still playing NCAA 14 and Madden 25...and you know, it's alright.