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Old 04-05-2013, 12:19 AM   #4
slthree's Arena
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Re: Atlanta Braves "ATTRIBUTES" edits

Originally Posted by Riverwood_Hood
90 seems high for Freeman.
I think he will have a big year, but 90+ ratings should be reserved for the best of the best. I see Freeman as around an 86-88. B+.

That's why I gave guys like Beltran (rated 99) a huge ratings drop.
I want only the best of the best to be rated that high, and at this point in his career, Beltran just isn't that guy.

I think it's reasonable to give Upton's power a boost. He has been hindered by that thumb injury in the past, but when he is healthy, he crushes balls further than anyone not named Mike Stanton.

It's also extremely reasonable to give Craig Kimbrels 2-seam fastball velocity a 20pt boost
I probably should have mentioned that I don't go multiple years into franchise, like some. That's kind of why I felt Freeman should get boosted but I can see what your saying Riverwood. Who would you guys compare Freeman to at first base? I think he's the best in the league. Like you, I do feel there are too many highly rated players and Beltran's 99 stood out as an example of that.

But, although this is meant to be a Braves attribute thread, I'd love to hear what those who follow Beltran closer than me think of his rating.

Originally Posted by HighCmpPct
You really really can go by overalls this year. I ran multiple Braves chises waiting on OSFM and Freeman always emerges as the best hitter and I was batting him 6th against RHP and 8th against LHP.

I personally wouldn't touch Simmons as he plays fairly well in-game and has plenty of time to grow. Maybe just focus his training on what you want upgraded.

I was thinking of maybe upping Heyward's arm a bit, but I'll probably just train it instead.

In my chises both the Upton's were power beasts, especially Justin. Just because a rating might look low doesn't mean that's how it plays. If you upped it more he would finish with way to many HRs.
HighCmp, everyone that refers to Simmons says he is already an elite defensive shortstop and some scouts say he's already the best defensive ss in the league, perhaps comparable to Ryan.

Has he played like that in your franchises? My thoughts were to give him a fielding ability just a few points under Ryan and maybe a stronger arm but not a more accurate arm. I do agree on the hitting ratings.

I really want to hear from Braves fans about Avilan because he's looking as good as all the hype on him and I think he should come up a bit.

The Nationals starting staff is ungodly good. I think 3 guys are in the 90's. So, I really want the Braves pen to be as highly rated as they are in real life.
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