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Old 04-04-2013, 11:37 PM   #2
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Join Date: Sep 2009
Re: Vanderbilt's rating

Originally Posted by JB0B0
Coming off a 9-4 season, finished in the top 20 according to one of the polls, #19 recruiting class according to Rivals. Will Vandy get the shaft again ratings wise? I cancelled my preorder last year after seeing the rating, so hopefully EA will accurately reflect the team's talent this year.
Seriously? Vandy got shafted?. They lost to every good team they played. I don't even think they beat a team with a winning record. They finished what 7th in the SEC? IIRC they were a B- which was somewhat generous IMO. What are you expecting an A? I'm not sure who all returns but IMO based on their performance last year it should be Off-C+ Def-B Ovr-B-.

Last edited by thehardknoxlife; 04-04-2013 at 11:46 PM.
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