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Old 04-09-2013, 07:57 PM   #37
OnlookerDelay's Arena
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Join Date: Oct 2003
Location: Rock Hill, SC
Re: Tiger Woods PGA TOUR 14 Developers Provide Some Details on Upcoming Patch

Originally Posted by Seymour Scagnetti
Geez JC, you left out the best part of that statement. i promise not to make the same joke out of it.
I'm playing to a different audience here, so I've got to mix up my material a little bit. I already knew I didn't need to give you any more ammunition, as you've demonstrated you're not afraid to pull the trigger!

I actually did PM Sean this morning and told him we need more specifics on this patch because the natives are restless (myself included) and they were MIA the last few days and that had some of us worried. He responded quickly and told me not to worry and that it should be submitted tomorrow and said that him and Handsward were out of the office this week so they have been absent on the boards because of it. He then made the thread that you referenced about the status of the patch so he did listen to me and acted accordingly and helped address growing concerns with his post.
Thanks for doing that, but I'm a bit surprised that it took some nudging to remind him that something like that needed to be done. None the less, it was reassuring to read and now we at least know when the patch got submitted.
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