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Old 04-10-2013, 11:47 AM   #198
BezO's Arena
OVR: 20
Join Date: Jul 2004
Re: First Madden NFL 25 Screenshot, First Details on Run Free Ball Carrier Feature

Originally Posted by Broncos86
I think it's two-fold. One: more people seem willing to deal with the issues of Madden in order to get their NFL gaming fix. Two: Forums such as OS are in the minority when it comes to gamers.

Honestly, I'd say most gamers aren't paying attention to what the offensive/defensive line is doing in Madden because they honestly don't know what they should be doing. As fans, they know that the OL blocks. Most fans who watch games on TV watch the ball.
As far as EA knows, group one loves the game as is. I hope they understand EA can't hear their forum complaints and worst company in America vote over the volume of their wallet.

Though I think group two is the minority, I don't believe it's so drastic that if all unsatisfied parties showed some restraint, it wouldn't show up on EA's bottom line. Though folks like us are the most vocal in forums, I have a bunch of friends that feel the same as me that don't visit forums like OS. We went from everyone having a copy of Madden to exactly 1 person I know that still buys it. And when we get together, it's the last game to see the inside of a console if at all.

I agree many only watch the ball when watching NFL football, but there are replays and commentary that show/tell exactly why plays work & don't work. Some may not be aware exactly why Madden doesn't play out like what they see on TV, but I think many are. They may not be clamoring for it like some of us, but almost all would notice immediately if blocking interaction were fixed.
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