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Old 04-12-2013, 09:18 AM   #16
thedream2k13's Arena
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Re: What NBA 2K13 Did Right

Originally Posted by blues rocker
There's a ton of stuff they did right in 2k13. Jump shooting is awesome and is the best it's ever been. You can finally stop on a dime and do quick pull-up jumpers, and the moving momentum shots are awesome when shooting off the dribble.

The dribbling is pretty sweet as well and is definitely the best it's been. The moves could react a bit quicker to your controller input, but overall the dribbling feels great. Each year 2k adds a little bit more control and comes closer to making you feel like you're controlling a real basketball player.

Layup and dunk animations are great as well. Finally you can knife through the lane and squeeze through small openings on drives rather than being unrealistically pulled and suctioned into defenders. For the most part, the dunks and layups are quicker and players do more "moving one-legged jumps" rather than slow 2-footed gathers that plagued 2k12. however, there's sometimes still not enough contact on dunks...sometimes there's just no physics at all as the dunker knocks defenders aside like bowling pins, but I'm hoping they'll work on that for 2k14.
jumpshooting is decent, just way to easy compared to older versions of the game due to the lack of player specific releases. They also game star players super quick releases to make it even easier. Kobe shoots faster than ray allen in this game
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