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Old 04-14-2013, 04:17 AM   #23
OVR: 4
Join Date: Sep 2007
Re: First NHL 14 Screenshot Released

Originally Posted by JerseySuave4
Agreed, even in a game like MLB the Show you see that problem. Where randomly in the crowd 6 people who all look the same will do the same action at the same time and it stands out because usually none of the people around them are doing anything.
To be fair though, the PS3 is VERY RAM limited. And that probably affects multi-platform games to a fair degree too (you don't want different specs for different consoles; very hard to manage). Thats one area that should improve somewhat next gen.

Anyway, I actually like if they focused on the hitting engine. In 13, you can either hit, or you can't. And lets face it, its VERY hard to do in the open ice. If they get it right, its a huge change in gameplay by itself.
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