Hey all,
Sorry, been on the road for the last few days so I didn't have a chance to reply since I've submitted the article.
Nothing yet, as far as I can hear. Like I said, that's why it's so hard to pan a first-look, because there's always later. However, I have a sneaky feeling that there probably won't much on that front, if any, because if there was it'd be such a huge marketable aspect, that it would've been included in this reveal.
As far as the running/dribbling aspect, I took it much like Qb did-- that there's greater differentiation between players, and not necessarily easier/harder. What I interpreted from the "Sprint Dribble Turn" part (jeez, I'm already loathing the name) is that the smaller turn radius is balanced out by the fact that you can't just skate around with reckless disregard to physics, especially at speed, now that there's momentum involved.
I could be wrong with all that (and believe me, I've been
), but for now I don't want to draw a conclusion one way or another just yet, at least until there's some gameplay stuff out there.