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Old 04-23-2013, 05:47 PM   #123
Trick13's Arena
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Re: New Madden NFL 25 Screenshot, Feature Playbook Dates Revealed

Originally Posted by jpdavis82
Good idea Deuce, it would also be nice if we could make our own "Big Board" so when it's our time to draft, our top ranked players are listed first.

Would you guys like to see team visits or phone calls in Madden like NCAA has? What about team dinners and ''wining and dining" FA's during the offseason?
I also would like to see the bold be more than just how the players show up on the list, in one CCM online I had to miss the draft due to a family emergency - the CPU really drafted horribly for me - I want "My Draft Board" to have options;
#1 ranking players in the order I see fit and that potentially affecting their draft stock,
#2 blacklisting players (ie remove them from my board completely),
#3 I want the CPU to use "My Draft Board" exclusively if I have to miss the draft for some reason.
#4 setting a "range" where I want to target certain players, and having the CPU take into account the "range" I set and perhaps accept draft trade offers to get into that range for me, again if I am auto-piloted...

Even if the web stuff worked, I can't exactly be on my smart phone conducting my Madden Draft at a funeral and while I hope that does not happen again, I can't very well ask 7 other guys to wait when you consider the scheduling issues we had already had to that point...

I actually think my league would possibly consider "auto drafting" if this was an option.
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