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Old 04-28-2013, 10:26 PM   #96
Sheen_O_Mack's Arena
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Join Date: Apr 2012
Blog Entries: 10
Re: Madden NFL 25 Video Interview with Some Early Gameplay Shown (GotGame)

Originally Posted by N51_rob
And every year you come in here in the build up to Maddens release, and try to make everything unicorns and sunshine. You call anyone who say anything negative about Madden a "*****". You go quiet after release and then come back in the build-up again. All in the hopes of being invited to a community day or be added to the game changer program. Your act is getting quite old, and if you continue to keep it up you probably won't make it through this release cycle here on OS.
That's definitely a two way street, there are some that come and try to make everything into cockroaches and thunderstorms. There are some that bash JP for having a positive vibe about Madden.

Don't get me wrong, there ARE people on this forum who post legitimate creative, thought provoking ideas about how to improve Madden and those people make articulate posts and not bashing ones.

Without people who go against the grain of this forum and actually show their optimism towards the game then they should just re-name the Madden Forum to "The Debbie Downer Chat Club".

Now, I do believe the harsh criticism by this forum and others has made this game better for this generation of systems. The rate of "Same thing different cover" that comes out after a few screens and a very little amount of video is alarming and so is how quickly the EA apologists come rushing in.

Its going to be a never ending revolving door, the people who choose to wait are going to tell the people, who base their entire judgement off a couple teaser videos and a few screens 4/5 months before release, to wait till E3 and the people who use the "Jump to conclusions mat" to make a decision will tell people that wait that they are wasting their time and nothing will change. Which is EVERYONES right to choose what they want to do BUT it is unfair to threaten banishment to one side and not the other.

But hey I'm not an admin and what you guys do is your own prerogative. Ill just be sitting here waiting for these

On a side note, from the articles I have read these type of hits don't happen as often as the video seems to show. I do agree that the "Three yard explosion" away from the tackler/ball carrier is unrealistic. Some of the tackling/footplanting looks solid but not at the level I would like to see it.

The Kerrigan sack has my hopes up and has me excited for E3
I <3 Football
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