Difficulty & Sliders
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04-28-2013, 11:47 PM
OVR: 2
Join Date: Jun 2011
Re: Difficulty & Sliders
Originally Posted by
The exact answer depends on your hitting controls (Timing/Zone/Analog/etc) so I'll just assume you're using Timing.
- Your PCI covers the ball less often, and placement becomes more sensitive to poor timing.
- Your PCI shrinks in size
- Your power decreases
- Your ability to hit the ball solidly decreases
- The size of your timing window (the leeway you have with how late you can be before you miss) decreases
- Pitch speed increases
- The AI becomes less aggressive
- The AI's command increases
- The quality of the AI's pitches increases (think the Hits per 9 rating that pitchers have, but in reverse)
Not all of these apply with every level, for example, I don't think the pitching quality becomes any better from Hall of Fame to Legend, and I don't think it's any harder to hit a line drive on All-Star than it is on Veteran.
And I haven't stripped the game code down or waterboarded an SCEA employee or anything, so take these with a grain of salt. This is just what I've observed while changing difficulty levels over the years.
This is interesting, thanks Bobhead. Now I have an understanding as to what sliders to alter on HOF making it more like All Star but with cleverer AI pitching.
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