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Old 05-01-2013, 10:56 AM   #13
OVR: 0
Join Date: Sep 2010
If you play the game full blast, it's an accountant simulator. It's really good if you are the accountant type. The financials are endless and will eat hours and hours and hours just to understand it. And if you choose not to understand it, it's not worth playing. Because you need to know why this costs this and that costs that and revenue X and revenue Y plus a variable must equal or exceed Z. It's endless and a joyful experience for those that wait for April 15th like Christmas morning. If you turn off the financials, the engine kinda wigs out and doesn't really value things properly. The AI is built with a close eye to financials so .. if you don't want to experience Accountant Simulator 14 .. then, you're not getting the best game you can play. Just like everything else in life, it's all about the money. And you best spend hours and hours and hours figuring out how to finance your endeavors .. get out the paper and pencil and start adding up projections of cost. If you don't immerse yourself in a kabillion amount of zeroes .. then there is really no reason to play the game because the AI is focused on that aspect and gives a quality game when it can bathe in addition and subtraction.
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