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Old 05-03-2013, 05:38 PM   #26
JezFranco's Arena
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Join Date: Jan 2010
Location: Stockholm, Sweden
Re: NHL 14 Collision Physics Gameplay Trailer

Originally Posted by bwiggy33

However, I actually believe them this time. This is why. Without a checking stick or button any more, it absolutely forces them to actually have to make speed, distance, timing, etc. affect the hit. No more hitting a right stick and a guy can go flying even if you are only a foot away and have no momentum going into a guy....
Dev Diary:
A new left-stick control scheme makes delivering a game-changing hit simpler and more rewarding than ever. Right-stick hitting controls remain unchanged, but now players can deliver a big hit with only the left stick simply by skating into their opponents with speed.

So I'm thinking hits are done with left stick, while the right stick goes for the bigger hits? Or is RS "manual" hitting? Don't really know how to interpret that...

I don't want my player getting sucked into a hit when I just wanna skate past someone...

Thank you EA - This game is officially better than sex
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